The default value for the AT firmware is 0, which means it will not reconnect to the AP after disconnection.
To use special characters, they need to be escaped. For example, if the SSID of the target AP is "AAA,b" and the password is "123456789", the command would be: AT+CWJAP="AAA\,b","123456789"\"
To use special characters, they need to be escaped. For example, if the SSID of the target AP is "AAA,b" and the password is "123456789", the command would be: AT+CWJAP="AAA\,b","123456789"\"
The maximum length of the password in ASCII is 63 bytes.
The maximum length of the device name is 29 bytes.
HID functionality is supported, which allows for simulating a mouse and keyboard.
ESP-AT allows a maximum of 15 devices to be bound. If there are more than 15 devices,the new device will overwrite the previously bound device.
The key length ranges from 7 to 16 bytes.