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How to Control an Arduino with Bluetooth?

Plate type: Use Cases
Time: 2023.01.04
Viewing count: 1239

The Arduino Bluetooth controller can connect a mobile phone to any piece of hardware via Arduino nano Bluetooth. It may appear not easy, but it's relatively simple. 


If you've never programmed a microcontroller before, don't worry. In this post, we'll teach you how to connect an Android phone to an Arduino through the Arduino Bluetooth module


This platform is built on open-source hardware and software, making it easy to get started. Everyone who wants to learn how to make their imaginative toys using hard electronics & software should take this course. 


Advantages of Using An Arduino Bluetooth Controller

The Arduino with Bluetooth does not require a separate piece of equipment (referred to as a programmer) to load fresh code onto the board; instead, a USB cable is all that is required. 


To make learning to program Arduino a little easier, the IDE uses a more straightforward form of the C++ language. 


As a result of this concern, many developers give up their expertise in microcontrollers. Electronics aren't a big problem when you're starting. As a result, the Bluetooth for Arduino community frequently posts examples of its work online. Additionally, they share schematic diagrams like the one seen below. Schematics for this sensor or module can be found by searching for the device's name or module with Arduino on Google Graphics. Consider a career in electronics if you want to build increasingly complex gadgets and design your printed circuit boards (PCBs). 


You can use Bluetooth with Arduino, and it is the most excellent way to get started with microcontroller programming. 

Example of Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy Module

The Nordic nRF52840/52833 SoC is used in the MS88SF23 module, an ultra-low-power wireless BLE 5.0/5.1 module with an advanced, compact size, extremely configurable, and ultra-low power wireless BLE 5.0/5.1 Arduino Bluetooth controller. For nRF52840/nRF52833, the MS88SF2 series provides USB access, up to +8 dBm transmission power, and 802.15.4 (Thread/Zigbee) implementations, Bluetooth 5 Long Range Feature, & improved security capabilities.

How to use a Bluetooth module with an Arduino? 

The name Bluetooth is intriguing. Harald Blatand, the Danish king of the Vikings, was known as Blatand. Bluetooth is the English translation of the Norwegian word Bltand. He peacefully brought the warring Danish & Norwegian tribes together in the year 970. In the same way, Bluetooth technology has brought together very different technologies. 


In addition to smartphones, tablets, PCs, headphones, and even pressure cookers, Bluetooth is the protocol for short-range wireless communication between various electronic devices. 


Part of Arduino 

Let's dive right in. First, however, We must ask you a question. Your thoughts? 

To send an SMS every second through Bluetooth, how often lines of code must be written in order? 


SoftwareHut should be used in the text. Let's get some numbers out there. 

What Is a Bluetooth Test, And How to Interface a Bluetooth Module with an Arduino?

That's all there is to it. Only seven lines of code are required! Observe that we don't even utilize any external libraries. 


The hardware contains all of the magic. Wireless data transmission is precisely the same as wired data transmission from a coding perspective. 


It's just a matter of plugging in the Bluetooth module to Arduino's correct ports, but in the second alternative, we don't. 

Code formula for Arduino

A basic explanation of Arduino's code syntax is appropriate here. 


There are, as you'll see, two basic approaches here. During the initialization of the serial transfer, we set the baud rate to 9600. The baud rate is just the maximum number of lines that can be sent in a second. The transmission gets more noise-sensitive as the baud rate rises. That's because our HC-06 Bluetooth module is pre-configured to utilize that number. 


The only thing that needs to be done right away is to ensure that the baud rates on both the Arduino and the Bluetooth module are the same. 


Programs can run indefinitely using the loop() function. As a result, we're sending SoftwareHut text over serial with a one-second delay. It's done! That's all there is to it. It's as though magic has been unleashed on me. Almost no work is required to accomplish something as monumental as wireless transmission. 


Collection of Proper data 

It's also not difficult to receive data. We've just got a more advanced Hello World here. Hello, World in microcontrollers is essentially a blinking LED. We'll use Bluetooth data to change the state of an LED here. 


Set port 13 as an output in the setup() method because we want to control this LED, not receive data from it. It's the onboard led of the Arduino. Serial transmission is also initialized at this point. 


Our loop method checks whether any data has been received via serial. If the answer is "yes," we can assign this to a variable. When we get one, we turn the LED's status to high so it can be seen. Changing the LED's state from HIGH to LOW will cause it to turn off. 


Getting gadgets to communicate with each other 


We need to couple two arduino Bluetooth projects to communicate with each other. Only one device pairing is required. This is how it works: 


Bluetooth discoverability must be enabled on at least one device (HC-06 enables discoverability when it powers up). As a result, those around it will be able to see this device. 


Our next step is to run a search for other gadgets on a separate device. When the Bluetooth module is found, a pairing request can be sent to begin using it. Once we've entered the password, we'll see a pop-up dialogue box appear on our smartphone. It's 1234 by default, but we can alter it using AT instructions on the HC-06. If the password is correct, we'll find our Bluetooth device listed.



What is the best way to link the Bluetooth controller to Arduino? 

This is necessary to connect the PS4 controller via Bluetooth to the Arduino microcontroller. Switch to pairing mode by pressing and holding "PlayStation" and "Share" simultaneously on your gamepad controller. The light on the PS4 controller will begin to flash rapidly if you hold down these two buttons. 


How can I use my iPhone to operate my Bluetooth-enabled Arduino? 

To connect an Arduino to an iOS device (such as an iPhone or iPad), users can utilize the BLExAR app and a CC2541 bluetooth module arduino. The program allows wireless serial connectivity, Arduino board control, and data collection. 


How can I connect my Arduino to the HC 05 Bluetooth module? 

You must have a Bluetooth terminal app installed on your phone to interact with HC05 over Bluetooth. This is a good one to utilize. Upload this code to your Arduino & connect HC05 using the software you just installed to begin sending data.