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Advantages and Disadvantages of Precise GNSS /GPS Positioning

Plate type: Use Cases
Time: 2022.12.01
Viewing count: 2223

Global Navigation Satellite System is what the GNSS acronym stands for. There are global systems and regional systems that make up this. GPS is one of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), along with GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo. GPS is functioning in the United States (in Europe).

IRNSS and QZSS are the regional GNSS systems found in Japan (INDIA). Global systems are given an additional helping hand by augmentation systems, which results in improved accuracy. WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, and MSAS are all examples of these augmentation systems. GNSS utilizes the idea of Time of Arrival ranging.

The diagram illustrates the architecture of the GNSS system. As can be seen, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is composed of three distinct segments: the space segment, the control segment, and the user segment.

There is a disparity between the space segments of GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and Galileo regarding the number of satellites deployed and the geographic region covered. The monitoring stations and the master control stations make up the control segment.

The control segment is responsible for storing all the information about the satellites and maintaining the satellites in their designated orbits. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of GNSS Module

Devices with GNSS receivers can use the radio signals they receive from GNSS satellites to help them figure out where they are on the planet. This is what makes up the user segment.

Advantages of GNSS Module

· At this moment, users simultaneously have access to all of the worldwide navigation systems. GNSS can reap the benefits of all of these different systems. It grants operators more access to the signals and makes them more readily available.

· The development of a high-accuracy Internet of Things network relies on the precise timing information provided by GNSS.

· The availability of navigation solutions is improved by using many GNSS constellations. This makes TTFF better (Time to First Fix).

· Delivering improved location accuracy while enhancing performance helps users save time and money.

· Multiple GNSS systems provide continuous communication in all areas, including densely crowded cities, huge and deep forests, and other similar environments.

· GNSS receivers will automatically remove any satellite from their list of possible navigation solutions that have failed.

· A precise point position is a method used to determine an accurate position with the assistance of a global positioning system. This method was defined as "precise point position" (Ovstedal, 2002). The implementation of precise GNSS or GPS leads to a substantial cost reduction in labour and equipment, which is one of the most significant advantages of these technologies. Because the system does not require the services of ground-based stations, logistics for operations are minimized, resulting in a smaller overall footprint.

 Disadvantages of GNSS Module

· It cannot satisfy the requirements of all phases of flight with precise techniques that are particularly severe. Therefore, in addition to GNSS systems, augmentation systems are also required.

· There is room for improvement in precision; specifically, vertical accuracy is larger than 10 meters.

· Because the requirements for availability, integrity, accuracy, and continuity still need to be met, augmentation systems (such as ABAS, GBAS, and SBAS) are being implemented.

· Aircraft operators, air traffic services, pilots, and regulatory employees are all impacted by GNSS in some way.

· The precision of navigation databases is essential to the reliability of GNSS navigation systems.

· Concern has been raised over the fact that there is no way to correct carrier phase ambiguities when dealing with indifference observation in precise GNSS/GPS positioning. This is because there is no possibility of doing so.

Because of this, it is necessary always to make an approximation using something known as a float solution whenever there is ambiguity (Leandro & Santos, 2006).


The Galileo global navigation satellite system (GNSS), initially activated in 2016 throughout Europe and named after the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, is still in operation, it has Advantages and disadvantages of GNSS module. It is a positioning system that is highly accurate, civilians control it, and it is on the cutting edge of technology. It is compatible with GPS in the United States and GLONASS in Russia.

Galileo enables real-time positioning with precision down to the meter, which other public positioning systems have yet to accomplish because it provides dual-frequency as a standard feature. This satellite system lets users know their exact position and significantly benefits familiar products and services that rely on navigation, such as cellular phones and vehicles. These benefits include the ability for consumers to know their precise location.